About PTC

The Pennsylvania Turfgrass Council is an organization dedicated to the improvement of the Turfgrass Industry through education and research. The Council was founded in 1955 by a group of individuals who perceived the need for independent funding for turfgrass research in Pennsylvania. Since its beginning, PTC's role has expanded considerably, and the organization’s goals can now be divided into three major areas: fundraising for education and research, conducting educational conferences, and representing the Turfgrass Industry.

The PTC is governed by an elected Board of Directors with research, teaching, and extension personnel from Penn State serving as technical advisors. The PTC serves as the voice for all turfgrass interests in the Commonwealth, and has contributed over $2 million to the Turfgrass Project at Penn State since 1974. In addition, over $1 million has been amassed in the Joseph M. Duich Turfgrass Endowment Fund, a figure that grows every year. The Endowment Fund will assure that there will always be a funding base well into the future.

PTC income is derived from conferences and trade shows and membership fees which support a broad spectrum of turfgrass-specific programs. In addition, several PTC Scholarships are awarded every year to undergraduate and graduate students enrolled in Penn State's turfgrass curriculum.

The support for turfgrass education and research expresses itself in better products and knowledge for a dynamic industry on the move. A 1989 survey sponsored by the PTC determined that there are over 2 million acres of turf in the Commonwealth, generating total annual expenditures of $1.5 billion.

The members of the Pennsylvania Turfgrass Council are proud of the partnership with the Penn State Turf Program. Plans for the future include setting higher goals for funding and support of turfgrass programs, advocating for the industry, and improving conference content to help position the industry for its inevitable growth. By acting as the information clearinghouse and statewide advocate for the Turfgrass Industry, The Pennsylvania Turfgrass Council will continue to play a vital role in ensuring the health of a true Pennsylvania resource.

© 2024 Pennsylvania Turfgrass Council • PO Box 99, Boalsburg, PA 16827
Phone: (814) 237-0767 • Email: info@paturf.org

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